Privacy Policy

Mint Concept is committed to protecting consumer privacy during visits to our website and recognises our responsibility to hold your information secure and confidential. You can visit our website without telling us who you are or revealing any information about yourself. However, if you give us any personal information about yourself or others we promise to treat it securely, fairly and lawfully.

When we ask you for personal information online it will only be in response to you using one of our online products or services. We may use the personal information you provide for providing more contents that are relevant to you.

This Privacy policy sets out the basis upon which any personal data we collect from you or provided to us will be processed by us. Please read this policy carefully to understand how your personal information will be treated. By submitting your personal details to us, you are deemed as agreeing to us using them inline in accordance with the terms and conditions in this policy. This policy may be changed from time to time so please read it periodically.

error: Images are owned and subject to copyright by Mint Concept.